
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Number 1. Number 2.

I know, you're saying to yourself doesn't he mean "camera 1, camera 2, camera 1, camera 2"?  All of this while you alternate squinting one eye and opening the other just like in Wayne's World. You know, the scene with Wayne and Cassandra.  Schwing!  We'll, I wasn't quite thinking of that number 1 and number 2 but kudos to you for thinking of that movie. It is a classic!  "No way!" "Way"!

The numbers I was referring to are what the pooches leave behind when out for walks with their owners. I can hear you now saying things like "Are you mental?".  Maybe something more like "a sphincter says what?" "What?"  "Exactly".  It's hopefully my absolute favorite from that movie though: "Ex-Squeeze me?  Baking powder?"  Yes, you can giggle like you're a little school kid again. I won't judge.

I came into the city this past Sunday for a long run. A crisp winter day with white glistening snow still on the ground. A good thing you would think. We'll, that white snow was pretty much dotted with yellow patches and Lincoln logs everywhere the eye could see and, in my case, everywhere I ran. It made for an impromptu obstacle course. My goodness. "Wow! What a totally amazing, excellent discovery!"  "Not"!  OK, enough with the quotes from the movie. It really does make you think about using a picnic blanket when contemplating sitting in a grassy area on a fine summer afternoon. 

I ended up running 20 envigorating miles that day while trying out some new wool socks and refueling gel (I'll post about them soon). It might sound pretty boring but it truly was a great training run. Even with the thoughts of (snicker) number 1 & number 2 (giggle) all around. 

"Party on Wayne". "Party on Garth". 

Until next time, keep on runnin'!

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