
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Refueling- 2nd Place.

2nd Place- PowerBar Performance Energy Blends
PowerBar Performance Energy Blends.

Goo goo ga ga.  Can you say "baby food"?  This stuff is great.  It is just like baby food.  Same taste.  Same consistency.  My goodness, I think that they just opened jars of Gerber baby food and repackaged it into foil packages with twist tops.  Where's my baby bottle full of apple juice to help wash it down? 

I've tried the banana blueberry several times now and it is fantastic.  It tastes just like banana baby food with just a hint of blueberry.  The energy blend has a natural flavor, a great after-taste and is just the right thickness.  It is a great choice for mid-run refueling as you do not need any other fluids to help get it down. 

The all natural ingredients are another positive of this product.  They help to give a gradual delivery of energy which is sustained for a reasonable amount of time.  I also like how it helps to quell any hunger feelings while running unlike other fuel gels.

There are a couple of drawbacks though.  The first is that there is no caffeine.  This is something that I have found really helps me on long runs.  The other is the size.  Each packet contains just over 3 oz while most energy gel packages are just over 1 oz.  The extra size makes it a bit difficult to carry several of them in an average sized fuel belt.  Otherwise, these are a great option for shorter training runs.

I have to go watch Barney now before nap time.  I love you, you love me.  Goo goo ga ga.

Until next time, keep on runnin'!

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