
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Let The Tapering Begin.

The Boston Marathon is 21 days away!

Three weeks to go.  This has been a long journey since starting training back in the beginning of December.  Long runs. Early morning runs. Evening runs. Lots of refueling gels and sports drinks.  Trying to balance training, work and family.

Taper.  I'm not talking about a lovely wax dinner candle used to set the mood for fine dining.  I'm referring to reducing the number of miles that I run in the remaining three weeks leading up to the marathon.  The purpose of tapering is to allow the restocking of depleted glycogen supplies and the repair of damaged tissue from the weeks of hard training.  In essence, it is giving my body the chance to recover and to be in peak condition for the big day. 

This process calls for a reduction of miles by 20 to 25 percent per run three weeks out.  A further reduction of 20 to 25 percent per run two weeks out.  The final week before the marathon calls for a few six milers early in the week. 

The process of reducing mileage can be seen as a good thing on one hand but also difficult on the other.  The thought of being able to cut down on mileage each week is so inviting and welcomed this far into training.  However, it can also have a negative mental impact by giving you extra time to start questioning your training.  Did I do enough to prepare myself for this race?  Did I run enough?  Should I have focused more on my speed?  Should I have put more hill work into my weekly training?  All good questions.  However, deep down, I know that I've done the best that I can.  I just have to keep reminding myself of this fact whenever I begin to question things with the extra free time that I'll have on my hands.  Questiong things is expected and has already begun to some degree.  It is just another aspect of marathon training to be prepared for.  This mental component can be just as hard to train for as the physical component.  You have to learn to take complete control of the head games and put everything in perspective.  Mental strength + physical strength = Athlete.  Hello world, my name is Keith and I'm an athlete.

Until next time, keep on runnin'!

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