Picture the big battle scene between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back as you read this. You know, the scene where Darth Vader chops Luke's hand off and then Luke finds out the big news. Kind of like a precursor to a bad Jerry Springer or Maury Povich episode where the results of the paternity test are revealed. "Mr. Vader, you... are the father". Bleep!
From my run last night using the Zephyr Fire |
"He told me enough! He told me you killed him!"
"No, I am your father."
"No, that's not true, that's impossible. Noooooooo!"
OK, let me clarify two things so that there is no confusion. No, I'm not a Jedi who has fallen to the dark side of the force serving the evil Galactic Empire. But boy, I sure do feel like it! And more importantly the second thing. I did not have those quotes memorized by heart! I had to Google everyone one of them.
I decided that I should get a lightsaber, sorry, I mean a flashlight, for my night runs. With the sun setting before 4:30 PM now, it can get pretty dark for those night training runs. I wanted to see what was available specifically for running instead of just a plain old LED flashlight. I was surprised to find that there was really only one that is targeted for runners. It is the "Zephyr Fire" by Nathan. There are two models of this "runner's hand torch" (as Nathan markets it). The Zephyr Fire 100 and the Zephyr Fire 300.
This really is a great flashlight for runners. It is very lightweight and feature rich. The different light modes are a plus as I find myself using the low mode when running on the path's along the Charles and the high mode when running on the street. It is a bit pricey with the list at $55 USD but I was able to pick it up with a 25% off coupon at a local running store so it made it a bit more reasonable. I would definitely recommend this "hand torch" to any runner who runs outdoor at night and who wants to do it more safely. Oh yeah, the other cool thing about this flashlight? You can pretend that it is a lightsaber and you are battling Luke. It really does resemble one when you turn it on. You can see the light beam pretty well and it makes a humming noise (especially on high). No more pretending with the cardboard paper towel rolls or the Christmas wrapping tubes (you know that you have all done it). Nope. You can pretend with something a bit more high tech!
"May the force be with you."
Until next time, keep on runnin'!
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