
Friday, December 20, 2013

Olympic Skating

Wednesday night's 10.15 mile run (had me feeling a bit like the legendary Olympic skater Scott Hamilton.  The Boston area had been hit with a second bout of snow in as many days on Tuesday and I was hopeful that it would be cleared on my route to and around the Charles River.  It started out pretty clear on the way from South Station towards Downtown Crossing.  Slush, random patches of ice and dogging commuters trying to make their way home was pretty uneventful.  That quickly changed once I arrived at the Esplanade.  Some sections were not bad and allowed me to run at my training pace.  Then, as I approached the Boston University Bridge, I turned from runner to Olympic skating champion Scott Hamilton.  Me, a skater with never having put a pair of blades on in my life!  I had to make sure that my routine would score well with the judges.  I was doing well staying on my feet along a long patch of pathway that clearly had been half-heartedly plowed of the recent frozen precip that had fallen from the sky.  A bit treacherous and a slight heart pounding adventure at times.  As I was approaching the end of the neglected route, I knew that I had to finish big to maximize my routine.  I waited for the exact moment and launched into the pièce de résistance, the Triple Lutz Triple Toe.  Landed it!  10s across the board.  I had done it.  Alright, well I never really did land it but it sure felt like I had.  It was still a good run overall but I had to stick with a slower pace due to all of the ice and snow along the way.  I'll take going slower over having to run on the dreadmill any day.  Hopefully the 50+ degree temperatures over the next couple of days will help melt away what's left on the running paths so that it is a bit safer out there.  

Until next time, keep on runnin'!

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