I don't know where I'm going
But, I sure know where I've been
Hanging on the promises in songs of yesterday
An' I've made up my mind, I ain't wasting no more time
But, here I go again
Here I go again
Lyrics from "Here I go again". Such a great 80's song by the classic big hair rock band Whitesnake. That said, it does have a wicked cheesy video though with its scenes of the band playing on a stage interlaced with Tawny Kitaen doing gymnastics between two cars and polishing them while slithering all over them. The cars that is. So cheesy that it makes me think of a couple of other classics. Cheeses that is: Roquefort with its sharp, sweet and nutty flavor or Parmigiano-Reggiano with its great crunch and deep caramel-y, nutty flavors. How quickly I get distracted... It really is an appropriate song in this situation though because "Here I go again".
I told my family that I had met my goal and felt a sense of closure after I completed the Cox Providence Marathon in May of this year. That I was done with Marathons and would focus my attention on training and improving my half marathon races (which worked as I had both a half marathon as well as a course PR for the B.A.A. Half Marathon last month). That's the same thing that I said a year ago when I completed my first marathon up in Hampton Beach, NH. My wife and son know me better than that though and they told me both times that I would run a marathon again. Well, they definitely do know me too well, because:
Here I go again on my own
Goin' down the only road I've ever known

I'm running the 119th B.A.A. Boston Marathon on April 20, 2015. However, I'm not on "my own" as I have been accepted as a member of the Boston Children's Hospital Miles for Miracles Marathon team. This was the team that I tried to become a member of last year but wasn't able to because they filled their team very early on so I am very grateful that I have the opportunity this year. Being able to support Boston Children's Hospital's critical mission personally means a lot to me as my son has received outstanding professional and compassionate care from this outstanding organization over the years. I am very appreciative to have the opportunity and to be able to be associated with such a prestigious organization in the health care community.
I have also signed up to be part of the Miles for Miracles Patient Partner program where I will be teamed up with a patient of Boston Children's Hospital. This is such a great opportunity as we will be able to provide support and inspiration to each other during my training. I'll provide more information about who I'm partnered up with when I get the details in early December.
My fundraising for Boston Children's Hospital has just begun. If you are interested in helping me with my goal of $7,000, please visit my fundraising page:
http://fundraise.childrenshospital.org/goto/runner716 Any donation, whether small or large or somewhere in between is greatly appreciated.
I want to thank my wife and son for their continued unconditional support and understanding of my need to do this. Training for a marathon takes a lot of dedication, shuffling of schedules to fit in training and a lot of time away from family. Knowing that they are behind me 100% makes it a bit more manageable. Thank you and I love you both more than you'll ever know.
I'm going to blog about my training and new products that I will be using as part of my training along the way. I've already made several trips to running stores and picked up a few new things that I cannot wait to try out. It's a bit geeky I know. As I'm finishing up this post, we are getting our first snowfall of the season. It reminds me of some of my training runs this past winter. I cannot wait for those days with 2 degree temperatures, whipping winds and snow in January. Now that is geeky!
An' I've made up my mind
I ain't wasting no more time...
But, here I go again,
Here I go again,
Here I go again,
Here I go,
Here I go again...
Until next time, keep on runnin'!